Plugin Cooperation STEP-BY-STEP Practice [No.3]


-merging the facility model with the model of the surrounding

-adjusting the position of the models in relation to each other

-creating a light preview file of the concept of the arrangement of objects


1. Load the first file – for me it will be the surrounding file.

2. Using Multifile module you can add additional files. To do this, go to FILE> Add files

You can add several models at the same time – by holding down the Ctrl button while selecting them in the dialog box. In my case it will be one building.

3. When all files are open in one BIMvision window, you will be able to set their position relative to each other.

Open and Add files

4. When we have two or more models loaded, we can move them in several ways.

One of them is, for example, using the “Offset” option by creating a vector indicated in the model space.

We can manually indicate one point for which we will “grab the entire model and move it” to another place. Choosing the first and second points, we draw a vector. After entering it and clicking “Transpose project” – the model will change its position.

(THE FILM SHOWS the first of the three methods outlined)

Offset – 1’method

5. Another method of entering the shift value is to specify the vector by entering its value with respect to x, y and z. Remember that when selecting this option, you specify how much the object will shift in relation to these 3 coordinates (/ directions).

Offset – 2’method

6. Another option to change the position is to indicate a characteristic point in the model and then define its new location in the 3D space. In this case, by entering the values for the x, y and z coordinates – we do not specify the value of the displacement vector, but we enter the coordinates of the point to which the entire model is to be transposed with respect to the characteristic point selected at that time (/ previously).

Offset – 3’method

* Remember that if you move the model to the wrong place, you can quickly undo this change by clicking the “Undo offset” button.

7. When the models are in the correct relationship to each other, we can use the IFC Merge plugin to merge the models into one new IFC file. After exporting, their structure will be shared, and the model shifts in relation to each other will be preserved.

8. Create a new merged file and then open it with the “Open last export” option.

9. When we have a comprehensive model of several objects with their surroundings and we want to obtain a lighter file with their arrangement and general situation presented, we can use the IFC Split tool.

10. Using IFC Split the “Show facades only” option, we can hide the internal elements and leave only the external ones visible.

11. Now we will hide one of the elements – the terrain of one of the models, and leave only the one added with the building project.

12. In this way, using the option “Export visible” we will get a new file, which will be devoid of all details inside the objects.
