The recently released version 3.3 of the IFC Comments/BCF plugin has introduced many changes expected by users, as well as new functionalities that will significantly improve the work with this tool. See what new features and improvements have been added, here are the most important ones:
- Saving and loading bitmaps and lines to the .comments2 file. When creating a new topic, the plugin generates a view adapted to the native format (.comments2), allowing the reproduction of specific BIMvision functionalities. Only in this format are functions such as moving/sliding the story or manipulating the transparency of elements using the slider located on the BIMvision button ribbon available
- Improved interoperability between BCF files from different software. Export to BCF format may not fully reflect the topic or comment view if advanced BIMvision functionalities are used. This is due to differences in data storage capabilities between the native format and the BCF standard. Detailed information on the ability to save data in the BCF file view is included in the BCF standard documentation
- Topic comments have been expanded to include the functionality of adding links to a document
- Added functionality for adding external links as hyperlinks or as references to specified documents stored on your computer.
- The option of exporting topics and comments to an Excel file has been implemented, which in turn can be exported to PDF. The printout of such a file will be automatically adjusted to A4 format.
- Each topic and comment has a view file, allowing for the illustration of the discussed problem or issue in a 3D model. The views contain information about the elements: selected, visible and the colors of the elements. In the absence of an image assigned to the topic, the image from the first comment that has an image is displayed as a thumbnail in the left menu of topics.
- After creating a list of topics, you can export the topic file to a selected location on your computer. The topic file can then be imported and you can continue working on it.
The IFC Comments/BCF plugin allows you to convert an imported file to another format, which provides flexibility in data handling and allows you to adapt the file format to your preferred work environment.
The exception is when not all GUIDs from the list of components that make up the view are found in the loaded model. In this case, the format change is limited to the original format, consistent with the imported file format. This solution prevents data loss or errors resulting from the lack of necessary information to convert the file to a format other than the original one.
- Added the ability to display or disable all topic bubbles at once
- For better clarity of topics, increased the font of titles
- Implemented access to the color and transparency change options in one place