Plugin update

Each plugin update brings something new.

Steps forward, sometimes bigger and sometimes minor changes that make our plugins and BIMvision platform grow with our customers and with BIM technology. We do not stop there. We search, we go ahead, we change in the spirit of continuous improvement of our solutions. We want our solutions to be both technologically advanced and easy to use. Powerful but lightweight for your computer. In a word, optimal.

BIMvision is something more than a viewer;  it is also something more than a platform of IT tools for a wide group of people related to the investment, construction or design process.

It is a dynamic application that continues to grow, driven by work. My work, yours, ours, and everything that happens around BIM technology. Driven by the needs of the world, people. Driven by the course of our lives. BIMvision is our common vision of the changing present, but also of the created future.

Our strength is the thousands of users around the world who, together with us, are constantly looking for better answers to everyday and uncommon questions. We appreciate the great contact with our customers, who are a great inspiration, support and motivation for us in creating optimal solutions.

Today our plugins are not what they were just six months ago. The Gallery plugin allows you to save the model view that we want to appear after reopening the file. Already now, external documents can not only be assigned to individual elements with the External Documents plugin, but can also be linked to individual comments under topics with the IFC Comments plugin. BIMvision is getting better and better at reading complex geometry in IFC models, and the improved .bvf save format allows you to reduce the time it takes to reopen a file several times compared to opening an IFC format file directly.

But these are just a few recent changes that have gone into effect for individual plugins and the browser itself. The following also deserve special attention:

-improved functionality of IFC Merge. The new version of the plugin (v.  1.3) allows exporting merged models to a new IFC file along with the saved new location of the models, which is described in more detail here.

-modifications in IFC Split, which enabled the export of selected elements with a new, updated project name and thus expanded and accelerated the field of operation on files created in this way (more about it here).

– improvements in Advanced Reports – the latest ones such as the ability to change the unit in the properties of objects or grouping templates, and the older ones. However, they were milestones in extending the plugin’s capabilities, such as adding the BIMvision protocol (links to objects that were exported to Excel, “keep a connection” with model elements in BIMvision) and many others.

– development of BIMvision through the implications of such functionalities as merging storeys in the IFC structure according to various factors; defining the transparency of objects; quick deactivation of fasteners, spaces and grids; self-detection of whether an IFC file has been changed; adding more dimensioning options; controlling large coordinates to eliminate numerical errors.

And you could easily list further … because it is only a part of what has recently appeared and at the same time a small part of what is happening under the roof of Datacomp.

Links to the plugins listed above can be found below: