Plugin Cooperation STEP-BY-STEP Practice [No.4]


– checking and comparing changes between revisions

– creating a comprehensive project model with industries, e.g. as a reference model for Data drop


  1. Using the Multifile Module, we can open many different files simultaneously in one common BIMvision window.
  2. So if we work on a model and want to see not only its architecture (construction), but also its industry installations, then we will need the Multifile module.
  3. Let’s open the first file and then add another one by clicking on File> “Add files”
  4. When the files are loaded, you can see them in the IFC structure on the right.
  5. Here you can, for example, sort them or temporarily disable their display – by deactivating them in the IFC structure panel (green activity marker).
  1. We will now want to load the revised version of one of the installations. In order to better see this particular project, before adding it, we will first suppress the activity of the remaining files in the list. To do this, we will go to File> File List.
  2. When we close the file list window, the deactivated projects will disappear.
  3. The revision can be loaded in two ways. The first is to enter the file list (File> File list), and then use the “Add revision” button. The second way is to add a revision via the “Changes” tab.
  4. Now let’s go to the “Changes” tab, and then click the icon with the yellow folder “Open” from the top panel. This way we will be able to select the file from the computer.
  5. When adding a project version, you need to indicate which of the already loaded models is affected by the revision. In the example, we will indicate that this is the second version of the ventilation system model.
  6. So when we get a new revision from the designer, we can load it very quickly to see what has changed and compare the revisions.
  7. In the upper “Changes” tab, the color legend shows what changes have been made to the highlighted elements.
  8. For example, let us have a look at one selected object. Let us mark the one that, according to the legend, has changed. After selecting it, let’s click on the “Compare” button. Properties that differ in the table are highlighted in color. We can also limit the content of the table and, for example, show only those features that in the new version are different from the original.
  9. This comparison of the selected object can also be exported to an Excel file.
  1. Now let’s reopen the IFC files – this time only the final versions.
  2. When files are open in one BIMvision window, we can easily merge them using the IFC Merge plugin.
  3. Thus, we can keep such a comprehensive model as, for example, the Data drop of the completed stage. (* if you want to learn more about the “data drop” – I recommend you to check it e.g. here:
  1. If, however, we would also like to have each of the storeys in a separate file, we should use the IFC Split tool – the “Separate storeys” option. In this way, we will gain easy access to insight into each separate level of the facility. We will be able to clearly see not only the arrangement of rooms and the structure of individual floors, but also the course of individual installations.