This BIMvision extension allows to group objects depending on items state or from data that comes from external CSV files. You can view, select, change visibility and color of each group. You can also edit groups and assign elements to them in BIMvision. This plugin was created on the request of one of our clients in order to improve the management process in the design and manufacturing process for the realization of steel structures investments.
Objects are grouped depending on the value of property “USER_FIELD_4” in property group “BIM”. When object does not have such property if will be placed in “Un-batched items” group, otherwise object and all its children will be assigned to group defined in this property.
Objects are grouped depending on the CSV file. This is a txt file containing the GUID and object status. The GUID is compared with the value of the “GUID” property in the “BIM” property group. When the object does not belong to any group, it will be added to the “unknown status” category. Only categories with objects that are present in the IFC file are added. When the CSV file is in the same directory and has the same name as the IFC file, it will be loaded automatically. You can also load the CSV file manually.
MTS – Release notes
- 2.2
- Correction of reported bugs
- 2.1
- Interface corrections (language versions)
- 2.0
- Change of plugin name from “Project JAIN” to “MTS plugin”
- Plugin uses IFC GUIDs now to identify objects
- Plugin operates also on whole element assemblies (IfcElementAssembly)
- Batching information can also be loaded from .CSV file
- Batching information and real-time status can be saved to .CSV file
- User can add, delete, rename groups and assign elements to them in BIMvision
- Plugin displays object count for groups
- Export of data to .CSV