
IFC Merge

The IFC Merge plugin lets you export model elements loaded from several files into one common IFC file (merging files). The plugin may work if we load at least 2 IFC files. It is possible to export active elements, visible or selected from several files, to a new common file.

  1. Export active
    After activating the objects that you want to merge in the IFC structure tree, press Export active.
  2. Export visible
    All objects of the loaded files visible in the application window will be merged.
  3. Export selected
    Selected items of loaded files can be exported as a new common IFC file.

Version 1.2.9 added options for action in case of merging files with the same GUIDs (Merge options button). It is possible to generate a new GUID and to skip elements with duplicate GUID in the exported file.

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In the current version of the plugin, you can only combine projects that have the same units (distance, area, mass and volume).

The current version supports merging shifted models.

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IFC Merge – Release notes

  • 1.6
    • Implemented generation of new GUID numbers for files with duplicate GUID numbers to enable merging of a problematic file with another
  • 1.5
    • Fixed an issue where IfcSite objects were deleted when merging certain models
    • Fixed bugs in displaying the geometry of merged files with double-located objects
  • 1.4
    • Merging files with different units in special cases only (the units in the merged file will not be unified)
    • Ignoring enumeration errors when merging files
    • Removal of bugs preventing the merging of certain files
  • 1.3
    • Saving coordinates’ values of a shifted file when exporting to IFC format
    • Bug fixes that caused some items to be skipped when merging
  • 1.2.9
    • Bug fixes that caused some items to be skipped when merging.
    • Adding window with options – the ability to choose between generating new GUIDs when duplicates are detected or skipping duplicates.
  • 1.2.8
    • Bug fixes which caused saving multiple project entities to the output file.
  • 1.2.7
    • Adding memory overflow information when using large files.
    • Adding the ability to move projects.
    • Addition of the option of loading integers as real numbers and vice versa.
  • 1.2.6
    • Fixed a bug causing incorrect display of the characters in Chinese.
  • 1.2.5
    • Fixed a bug causing BIMvision to close when joining large files.
  • 1.2.4
    • The notification about duplicate GUIDs has been removed. Now, when a duplicate ID is detected, a new GUID will be generated.
    • Adding log file
  • 1.2.3
    • Improved progress bar updates.
    • IFC4 reading error has been fixed.