We are pleased to announce that the new version of BIMvision 2.26.4 is ready for download.
Changes in version 2.26.4:
- Improved resetting view after loading a file
- Improved the format of saving numbers to BVF
- Changing the SDK version to 5.41
- Measure_v1 support
- Get_grids_state () added
- Support for new entities:
- IfcFacilityPartCommon,
- IfcMarinePart,
- IfcQuantityNumber,
- IfcRailwayPart,
- IfcRoadPart,
- IfcTransportationDevice,
- IfcTransportationDeviceType,
- IfcVehicle,
- IfcVehicleType,
- IfcEarthworksCut,
- IfcEarthworksElement,
- IfcEarthworksFill.