
Summary of the BIMhealthy Project – Final Transnational European Meeting

December 1, 2021 the Final Transnational European Meeting was held on the EU project BIMhealthyERASMUS+ . The meeting took place at the Catholic University of San Antonio in Murcia, Spain.

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The following institutions participated in the meeting:

  • Project Leader: UNIVERSITY FOUNDATION OF SAN ANTONIO DE MURCIA – Catholic University of San Antonio in Murcia – UCAM
  • CENTRO TECNOLÓGICO DEL MÁRMOL from Cehegin in the region of Murcia in Spain
  • Civil Engineering Faculty of WARSAW UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY – WUT
  • Fundación de la Comunitat Valenciana para la Gestión del Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria y Biomédica de Alicante – ISABIAL
  • Datacomp IT Sp. z o.o.

During the meeting, the participants presented the final project reports.

The opening speech was delivered by prof. Juan Roldan Ruiz from the Catholic University of San Antonio, Murcia. Some of the participants presented their activities in the field of disseminating the project in their countries. Other participants presented the courses and training they conducted for students. Datacomp IT showed the final version of the plugin for the free IFC model platform – BIMvision, which enables the calculation of the Healthy Housing Index (HHI).

BIM Healthy february 2021 bim healthy plugin

The BIMhealthy project concerns the promotion of healthy housing, which on one hand does not harm tenants, but also introduces amenities that increase the standard and comfort of life. The BIMhealthy project aims to popularize and disseminate the concept of housing as a healthy environment. The direction that puts health and activities in its favor in the center is to be popularized both in the academic environment, in other educational units, as well as in the field of design practice and execution.

BIMhealthy also aims to advance the interoperability of metadata generated by Building Information Modeling technology to facilitate the analysis and interpretation of health and housing information.

Focusing on buildings and their quality is especially important if we realize that we spend 90% of our lives in them. According to the WHO World Health Organization, adequate housing conditions allow protecting people from infectious and chronic diseases, mental stress, injuries and poisoning.

Greater awareness of the impact of the construction sector on the environment and stricter energy requirements will result in a visible increase in the energy efficiency of the constructed facilities and a reduction in the carbon footprint.

The project, among its goals, primarily focused on increasing awareness of the impact of housing on health in sectors of the construction industry, and also envisaged the creation of an open computer tool for processing data provided by BIM.