3.0.1 (current version) release date 2025-02-10
- Added support for maintenance expiration message
- Improved formatting for localization properties (counting disabled by default)
- Improved counting of angle values without complement to 180 degrees
- Implementation of drawing of angle arms when measuring
- Disabled generation of cutting planes for all dimension-related labels in the draw_dimensions_labels() function
- Transfer of dimension label rendering after generating cutting planes
- Improvements to add_mapped_items() and add_mapped_solids() functions
- Improved calculation of the displacement vector depending on the units set in the program
- Added unit conversion for the case of moving the model by setting the coordinates of the center of the system (measure_mode.coordinates)
- Improved formatting of the value 0 (display without a minus)
- Showing the user interface of the functionality of drawing the design grid
- Improved setting of colors for openings when colors displayed with the option from the model (ifc)
- Including IfcOpenings in the display by type
- Fixed geometry display for profiles, bars, profile walls, beams, plinths and cut objects
- Fixed a problem with the bridge model display (alignment)
- Implemented a function to the API that creates a separator button and a link to the button with the separator
- Raised the API version to 5.50
- Support for IFC 4.4 format
- Grid for easier navigation in large models
- Support for IfcOpening on the project tree in object types
- Support for related documents and approvals
- Support for Alignment in formats 4.1, 4.2, 4.3.
- Rounding numbers in Properties (Location / Dimensions) according to the settings in the Measurement tab
- Added vertical angle determination function
- Implementation of Maintenance, which allows you to update to the next major versions of the system
2.29.0 release date 2024-11-21
- Change of API version to 5.49
- Improved algorithm for calculating element thickness from geometry for localization properties
- Extension of ViewState object with additional options for displaying IfcSpace and IfcOpening type elements
- Implementation of default color and transparency for IfcOpening
- Implementation of transparency via flag for IfcSpace
- Implementation of button checking connection to license server in user login window
- Implementation of an option blocking the display of information about IFC file reading errors in advanced settings
- Implementation of an option concerning disabling localization property counting in advanced settings
- Implementation of transparency of openings via a flag and hiding checkboxes for openings in a tree in the IFC structure view
- Implementation and use of iterative DFS (Depth-First Search) method for finding polygons
- Implementation of the additional case of IfcOpeningElement in the exclusion list for the drawing section view
- Implementation of function for drawing images in API – improvement of graphics rotation function and transparency handling
- Implementation function for drawing lines using absolute coordinates in API
- Improved grid position “z” coordinate at point “0”
- Improved project tree generation
- Improved IFC file reading – skipping load entities
- New view generation algorithm for intersections
- Improved removal of active files in the loaded files list window
- Implementation of alignment geometry creation – part 1
2.28.1 release date 2024-07-12
- Improved terrain geometry display
- Implemented IfcToroidalSurface, IfcMirroredProfileDef
- Implemented alignment (only for v4x3)
- Improved edge generation function
- Improved mesh display condition for IfcTriangulatedIrregularNetwork
- Improved model movement when units are set to mm
- Improved handling of transparent objects with colored edges
- Implemented updating of the “Field of View” slider value after switching to the view from the plugin level
- Improved camera settings after switching to the view from the plugin level
- Implemented a function calculating camera rotation angles around the X, Y and Z axes based on the view matrix
- Coloring sections according to the colors of cut objects after using the “cutting plane”
- Implemented saving the configuration file after confirming changes with the OK button in the advanced options window
- Upgraded the API version to 5.48
- Providing “Data Type” via the BIMvision API
- Downloading full information about the plugin version
2.28.0 release date 2023-03-19
- An option to compare two selected objects has been introduced (the DIFFERENCES button in the OBJECTS tab)
*Note: the Module Compare in demo or full version is required for the DIFFERENCES button to be visible - API version increased to 5.47; new features:
- bv_zip_get()
- bv_zip_get_file_length()
- bv_zip_read_buffer()
- bv_zip_write_buffer()
- on_main_form_close()
- Improved user interface scaling in the x64 version
- Improved the display of imperial units in the properties (“Dimensions”)
- Improved geometry counting for Ifc_Sectioned_Solid_Horizontal for IFCINDEXEDPOLYCURVE
- For version 4×3, reading of IfcLinearPositioningElement has been corrected and IfcLinearPlacenent has been implemented
- Added reading of IfcSurfaceStyleRendering and IfcAnnotationFillArea
- Implementation of Ifc_Structural_Surface_Member
- Ifc_Sectioned_Surface reading has been improved
- Implementation of construct_geometry for Ifc_Csg_Solid
2.27.7 release date 2023-11-09
- New version of API
2.27.5 release date 2023-08-08
- Optimization of edge calculation for large models
- Implementation of retrieving object properties located at any nesting level in the property structure
- Better diagnosis of reading errors – multiple entity numbers
- Raising the version number of the state vector in the function performing automatic measurements
- SDK version change
2.27.4 release date 2023-06-23
- Internal SDK feature changes related to compilation and operation of some plugins
- Liberalization of the requirements for reading files with parameters that do not meet the standards of the IFC format
2.27.3 release date 2023-05-30
- Improvement of the vertex finding algorithm
- New version of API for UNDO/REDO options
2.27.2 release date 2023-04-25
- Rendering of objects with large coordinates has been improved
2.27.1 release date 2023-04-06
- Button “Use finer cutting precision” has been added
- Support for writing and reading large files to BVF
- New entities have been added to v 4×3
- New API function has been implemented – extracting the *ifc file of the project to an external file
- SDK version handling has been changed – added get_api_version_major() and _minor() (get_api_version() changed)
- Reported bugs have been fixed
2.27.0 release date 2022-11-02
- Support for IFC 4.3 files
- Support for new entities:
- Ifc_Triangulated_Face_Set
- IfcFixedReferenceSweptAreaSolid
- IfcTextLiteral in IfcMappedItem
- IfcCompositeCurve
- A flag has been added to the API to monitor the lack of status of measurement details displayed on the model
- The Ukrainian language version has been added
2.26.4 release date 2022-09-28
- Improved resetting view after loading a file
- Improved the format of saving numbers to BVF
- Changing the SDK version to 5.41Measure_v1 support
- Get_grids_state () added
- Support for new entities:
- IfcFacilityPartCommon
- IfcMarinePart
- IfcQuantityNumber
- IfcRailwayPart
- IfcRoadPart
- IfcTransportationDevice
- IfcTransportationDeviceType
- IfcVehicle
- IfcVehicleType
- IfcEarthworksCut
- IfcEarthworksElement
- IfcEarthworksFill
2.26.3 release date 2022-08-01
- Geometry generation has been improved
- Changes to API functionality have been made
- correction of the OnSelectionChange element
- correction of dm_different_measures value
- added return of the set value of measurement rounding for get_item_value function
- Reported errors have been corrected
2.26.2 release date 2022-05-13
- Classifications with the possibility of their configuration have been implemented
- Keyboard shortcuts for selected functions and their combinations have been added and systematized
- The ability to activate the plugin from a file has been implemented (without internet access)
- The option to change the measurement unit to imperial units has been added
- Ctrl+Z (Undo) and Ctrl+Y (Redo) options have been introduced
- The Disable subscription switch has been added
- Multiple selection in the property tree has been implemented
- Added Restart button in Advanced Options
- Bugs fixed
2.25.3 release date 2021-09-27
- Support for the disable_internet has been added
- Information on elements with zero volume has been extended
- The generation of geometry of some objects has been improved (e.g. elbows and fittings for installations)
- IfcTextLiteral reading and saving to BVF have been added
- Fixed bugs related to BVF (save to BVF and delete file from BVF)
- Descriptions when dimensioning any surface have been corrected
- Functions have been added to the API:
- get_object_area ()
- get_object_edges ()
- get_object_corners ()
2.25.2 release date 2021-06-30
- Improved and added graphics reading of new complex objects
- Support for IfcComplexProperty has been added
- The option to select elements in the structure with Ctrl and Shift has been added
- Improved surface and volume measurement in special cases
- Fixed deletion of files from the project
2.25.1 release date 2021-03-25
- Change in error handling when reading IFC files
- Added reading geometry of new primitives
- Improved the performance of solid modeling and volume counting
- New API – additional options:
- reading and saving to BVF format
- allowing for additional user actions to be programmed after pressing the Button
- Saving to BVF – errors correction
- Support for reading B-Spline curve and IfcSurfaceCurveSweptAreaSolid
- New function of the backspace key
2.24.7 release date: 2021-02-10
- Change in the way of selecting elements in the property tree
- Change in password encryption. Unification of operation for 32 and 64 bit versions
- In the MEASUREMENT tab, new methods of calculating distances have been added: “Point – Plane within model” and “Plane – Plane within model”
- New API functions
- for saving files in .BVF
- for checking triangle degeneration
2.24.6 release date: 2020-12-18
- Automatic download of the latest model from a folder when opening a file
- Moved enabling / disabling grids and spaces to the Options / Show tab and such an option for the fasteners was added
- The ability to systematize the IFC structure of the model has been added
- Bugs fixes
2.24.5 release date: 2020-10-29
- improved display of some IFC4 files
- correction of minor errors
- change of logos and icons
2.24.4 release date: 2020-08-19
- Options for reading openings in elements have been added
2.24.3 release date: 2020-07-31
- A switch for the use/disuse of redundant edges removal algorithm has been implemented
2.24.2 release date: 2020-07-09
- Added option to move files containing large coordinates to eliminate numerical errors
- Errors have been corrected
2.24.0 release date: 2020-05-12
- Support for the bimvision protocol has been added
- New API functions have been added (get_dropped_pos (), get_centroid () and get_projects_offsets ())
- Bugs have been fixed
2.23.5 release date: 2020-04-14
- Detection has been added if the ifc file has been modified.
- Diagnostic information about errors in ifc files has been added.
- Several corrections in drawing the geometry of objects were made.
- Bugfix for saving cut objects to BVF file.
2.23.3 release date: 2020-03-10
- options for cutting holes in nested objects have been added
- bug fixes and stability improvements
- new API functions:
- closing the application
- display of rounding in profiles has been improved
- hole cutting in complex objects has been fixed
- new API features:
- getting the thickness of material layers
- saving loaded models as BVF
- saving geometry to file (enables quick loading of models)
2.22.3 release date: 2019-12-12
- added model geometry caching when saving to BVF file.
2.22.1 release date: 2019-11-25
- profiles information loading has been added
- added option to choose the default code page for IFC files
2.22 release date: 2019-10-23
- new measure modes:
- point to edge and point to plane distance
- diameter / most distant pair of vertices of the selected plane
- custom area
- angles between planes, edges and the ground (XY plane)
- custom angle
- measure improvements:
- selecting points and edges only from plane under the mouse cursor (not from faces behind)
- highlighting currently measured object (if the active selection is on)
- ability to draw an arbitrary shape (disable Snap to vertex) for the Area – CUSTOM, Angle – CUSTOM and Length – POINT measure modes
- Translate project option uses exact values of measured offset regardless of the displayed precision unless values were edited by the user
- reorganization of the user interface; new tab “ADVANCED” was added
- ribbon group “Cutting” from tab “VIEW” was split into two groups: “Cutting” and “Cutting planes”, and moved to the new tab
- group “Offsets” from tab “OBJECTS” was also moved there
- added “Offset” measurement type
- ability to translate/set new position of whole project geometry (in “Coordinates” and “Offset” measure mode), which will be saved to the BVF file
- option to select visible objects within the cutting region
- better support for .NET plugins (dependencies and updates)
2.20 – release date: 2019-04-16
- offsets for planes to precise cutting added
- ability to split elements by cutting planes
- classification tree, changes in displaying classifications added
- relations window added
- distinction of currently selected object from rest of the selection
- Changes option works when many projects are opened, allowing to compare any projects
- module Multifile can read *.tbp files
- ability to open relative paths from properties
- support for composite profile, tapered solids and table property values
- user can set custom coordinates of the point for the measure mode
- selecting object on the 3D view with Shift key copies its GUID to the clipboard
- ability to get licence numbers and activate many plugins directly from plugin manager window
2.19 – release date: 2018-07-19
- ability to move (offset) selected objects on 3D view to any direction
- option to draw edges of selected objects, even if they are covered
- support more IFC4 elements and types
- improvements in compare models mode
- added Location and Classification tabs in properties window
- the layout of property sets (collapsed / expanded) is remembered when viewing objects. Note: settings are not saved in the BVF file
2.18 – release date: 2017-10-10
- improvements to measure mode (measurement now can be done on any tab)
- measure are remembered by plugins that save view state (Gallery and IFC Comments)
- ability to hide inactive elements in objects list window
- changes are merged in object list window when comparing models
- faster generation of geometry through the use of multiple processor cores
2.17 – release date: 2017-08-21
- multiple cutting planes, moving cutting planes by mouse
- ability to sort types, layers and groups by name
2.16 – release date: 2017-06-12
- ability to change field of view for perspective projection
- orthogonal and oblique projections
- options to rotate current view by 90 degrees
- ability to measure total area of an object(s)
2.15 – release date: 2017-04-26
- ability to take measurements in Imperial and US customary units
- option to change zoom for minimap
- inactive elements cannot be selected
- menu “Export to BVF” is replaced by “Save” and “Save as…” options
- displaying properties for door/window type and style
2.14 – release date: 2017-03-16
- introducing partial support for IFC4 file format
- ability to save and load all opened IFC files with plugin data, into one BIMvision File (file extension *.BVF)
- improvements for module Multifile (multiple file viewing)
- new IFC Structure merge modes – you can now merge storeys also by name and elevation
- ability to unload projects (unloaded projects are not visible in viewer and will be not saved into BVF file)
- “Fly mode” option that allows to navigate through the model from first-person perspective
- removed edges that are inside planar surfaces
- ability to set up measurement precision
- access for plugin help files from main menu
2.13 – release date: 2016-11-10
- displaying information from IFC file header in Project’s properties
- new view option “Active selection”, which is default and allows to preview selection and measurement, while mouse cursor is over an element
- “Advanced options” in main menu – ability to change parameters for geometry generation
- displaying graphic card name and OpenGL version in “About” window
2.12 – release date: 2016-09-27
- added location bar
- minimap improvements – now draws storey that contains selected elements and draws selection
- support for reading compressed IFC files (*.ifcZIP)
- option to regenerate geometry for viewing projects, which have large distances
- new navigation mode with Alt key pressed – it does not change camera control point
2.11 – release date: 2016-09-02
- displaying groups and systems defined in IFC file
- new color theme: “Graphite Gray” with two background colors – gray and dark gray
- minimap option
- improvements for multiple file viewing (module Multifile)
- new option for IFC Structure object list – merge storeys
- storey slide always operates on merged storeys
2.10 – release date: 2016-06-23
- ability to load multiple IFC files in one view
- new measure and selection modes
- displaying more object’s properties and units
- bug fixes and stability improvements
2.9 – release date: 2015-10-23
- added “Element Specific” properties which contain additional object’s informations that are provided in IFC file
- included 64 bit version of application which is faster and handles very large models
2.8 – release date: 2015-09-03
- buttons of plugins added to quick access toolbar are remembered
- new languages, api functions and plugins
2.7 – release date: 2015-06-19
- new projection views and options
- ability to get volume and weight of selection
- storey slide improvments
2.6 – release date: 2015-05-19
- displaying objects’ colors defined in IFC file
- drawing optimizations for work with large models
- full support for Unicode characters
2.5 – release date: 2015-04-01
- support for touch screen and gestures
- touch mode option (enlarge GUI for tablets)
- “Fill slice” option now works on AMD / ATI graphics cards
2.4 – release date: 2015-03-23
- new area measure options
- added ribbon collapse and full screen mode options
2.3 – release date: 2015-01-19
integration with BIMvision Plugin Store
plugins are now avaliable to end users