Summary of the BIM Healthy meeting

On February 26, 2021, 3rd European Meeting was held of EU project ERASMUS+ – BIM Healthy. The following institutions participated in the meeting:

  • Project Leader: UNIVERSITY FOUNDATION OF SAN ANTONIO DE MURCIA – Catholic University of San Antonio in Murcia – UCAM
  • CENTRO TECNOLÓGICO DEL MÁRMOL from Cehegin in the region of Murcia in Spain
  • Civil Engineering Faculty of WARSAW UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY – WUT
  • Fundación de la Comunitat Valenciana para la Gestión del Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria y Biomédica de Alicante – ISABIAL
  • FUNDACIÓN UNIVERSITARIA SAN ANTONIO DE MURCIA – UCAM Universidad Católica San Antonio de Murcia – Spain
  • Datacomp IT Sp. z o.o.

During the meeting the progress of the project by the participants was presented. Prof. Juan Roldan Ruiz from the Catholic University of San Antonio in Murcia, an expert in creating assumptions for the entire project, presented some modifications in the analysis of calculating the Healthy Living ratio, the so-called Healthy Housing Index (HHI).

BIM Healthy february 2021

Our company, based on these assumptions, creates a special plugin on the BIM Vision platform to calculate this factor.

BIM Healthy february 2021 bim healthy plugin

The first version of this plugin was presented.

The discussion also concerned how “healthy living” is affected by the presence of radon, a decay product of radium. Radon occurs in the natural environment and its concentration depends on many factors. Radon is naturally secreted from the ground and from some building materials around the world where uranium or thorium is found, especially in regions with granite or shale rock with higher uranium concentrations. Prof. Radu Munteanu from the Transylvanian University in Brasov, Romania, presented how it looks like in Romania:

BIM Healthy february 2021 UWoT

Prof. Paweł Nowak from the Warsaw University of Technology described the approach to healthy living in Poland in the entire housing development strategy.

BIM Healthy february 2021 erasmus
BIM Healthy february 2021 cam

The next meeting will be held in May. It will probably also be a virtual meeting.