Investment management on the CDE platform

BIM Files Connect is an application for managing a construction investment on the CDE (Common Data Environment) platform.

Investment management on the CDE platform

It is based on the well-known M-Files system for managing the EDM (Electronic Document Management) documentation flow. It is equipped with a wide range of document functions related to project management, such as:

  • defining the project structure (folders, files, project team),
  • document visualization,
  • effective filtering of information,
  • versioning and revision handling,
  • notification of changes, etc.

The system has been integrated with BIMvision. This extends the scope of functionality, among others with models preview, model changes comparison, collision control and management of BCF files.

Zarządzanie plikami BCF, podgląd elementu dla danego BCF
BCF file management, element preview for a given BCF