El plugin le permite extraer partes de un modelo a un archivo IFC separado. Puede exportar elementos seleccionados (visibles / activos) del modelo IFC a un nuevo archivo IFC. Las herramientas adicionales de este complemento permiten ocultar todos los elementos que no son de fachada (Mostrar solo fachadas), así como exportar todos los pisos del modelo para separar los archivos IFC (Pisos separados).
Ordene el plugin IFC Split ahora
IFC Split facilita el trabajo en un modelo grande y le permite centrarse solo en una parte seleccionada. Los archivos más pequeños son más fáciles y rápidos de usar, lo que acelera su trabajo y le permite centrarse en la implementación del proyecto en la sección de trabajo seleccionada.
Conoce todos los plugins de BIMvision
IFC Split – Release notes
- 1.6
- The ability to automatically export assemblies has been added to the Tools option
- 1.5
- Errors in exporting selected items have been corrected
- 1.4
- The reported bugs have been corrected
- 1.3
- The ability to update the project name (Project Name) during file export has been added
- The default name of the project in the extracted IFC file has been changed from «DEMO IFC Split» to «Project Name»
- «Double-located object» (Site, Building, Building Storey) bug has been fixed
- The export of geometry in some models has been improved1.2.8
- IfcLabel loading error has been corrected.
- Added support for IFC4X1 and IFC4X2.
- 1.2.7
- IfcReal and IfcInteger numbers can from now on be used interchangeably.
- Fix the bug that caused the removal of objects IfcRelDefinesBy Properties, even if they were used.
- 1.2.6
- BVF files are now exported as IFC.1.2.5
- Fixes for updating the progress bar.
- 1.2.4
- Repeated GUIDs were turned off because they could be misleading.
- 1.2.3
- The ‘$’ parameter can be replaced with an empty ‘()’ list.
- Entity IfcSIUnit and IfcUnitAssignment are now saved at the beginning of the file regardless of where they were when they were loaded.
- 1.2
- Export of selected objects has been added
- Support for IFC.zip files